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As Chairman of the board you are held to a higher standard.

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How we help chairs

At Board Benchmarking, we are experts at improving boards’ overall performance, effectiveness, and decision-making. This improvement is an essential function of the Chair, which is why our assistance can significantly benefit them. Chairs express gratitude for the clarity of our reports, which clearly outline the overall benchmarking of their board and its effectiveness across crucial dimensions. Our benchmarked reports are user-friendly and swiftly pinpoint “hot spots”.

Chairs who seek advice from us or one of our Board Advisory Partners thank us for our candour and objective, practical advice.

Many chairs, especially those leading smaller organisations, also mention that the decision-making process regarding conducting a board survey became much simpler due to our affordable pricing.

Chairs are not only interested in the performance and effectiveness of their board as a whole but also in the effectiveness of individual directors and committees. Our Director and Committee Effectiveness Scorecards provide the incentive for directors and committees to improve their performance. The scorecards we provide to the Chair help them have constructive discussions that are often more difficult without important issues reported in black and white.

Our additional world-class surveys and reports also help chairs make a positive difference in different areas of their organisation. These include improving the effectiveness of a CEO, the leadership team, strategy and the Board Skills Matrix.

The benefits to a chair include

Receive a world-class benchmarked report that is a reliable measure of board effectiveness
Access expert guidance on interpreting and acting on the benchmarked report
Exceptionally affordable surveys with a streamlined process, ensuring affordability without compromising quality
Leverage one of the largest databases for organisation comparison
Enhance focused and constructive discussions with committee chairs and directors through optional Committee and/or Director Effectiveness modules and corresponding scorecards
Seamlessly integrate additional surveys and reports for the CEO, leadership team, strategy and Board Skills Matrix, enhancing overall performance
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Why trust Board Benchmarking

Our design-your-own approach to board reviews have been used by large and small organisations within every key industry and sector. Is it time to see how your organisation measures up against industry benchmarking?

Need advice to plan your upcoming board review?

We can advise you which survey and options will best suit your requirements and/or provide you a bespoke quote.

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