Dig a little deeper with the help of our optional extras.
One of our four Board Effectiveness Surveys with an accompanying benchmarked report will be sufficient to help you make meaningful and measurable change within your board. This survey-only approach is typically used by smaller organisations or boards that have previously used one of our surveys and received our benchmarked report.
Many other boards, including first-time users, will want to dig a little deeper to help see the unseen and gain further value.
Once you have selected your Board Effectiveness Survey, select your chosen optional extras from the list on the checkout page, and it will be added to your cart.
Gaining the perspectives of your executives who know your board well and the extent to which their responses differ from those of your board members will add value.
You will select which executives will receive the survey in addition to your board members. You will typically only include executives regularly involved in your board meetings.
The anonymity of the executives’ responses will be protected by only providing extra reporting if at least three executives respond to the survey. Their average response is reported only when three executives respond to the board survey, and a frequency count of executive responses will only be reported if at least four executives respond to the survey.
The executives’ comments are merged with the responses of board members to further protect the executives’ anonymity.
A Director Effectiveness Module can be added to the end of your chosen board survey. This module constitutes a lite touch review of the effectiveness of individual directors.
Directors rate themselves and rate each other, all on one easy-to-navigate webpage. If you have opted for executives to complete the board survey, they will also rate and comment on each director, and their responses will be merged with those of the directors. You must advise us if you do not want your executives to complete this module.
The Director Effectiveness Module includes three survey statements (on teamwork, contribution and adding strategic value) to assess the effectiveness of each director. Two open questions about each director’s strengths and suggestions for each director are included.
A Director Effectiveness Scorecard is prepared for each director and is sent to the same person who has been nominated to receive the benchmarked Board Effectiveness Report.
A Committee Effectiveness Module can be added to the end of your chosen board survey. This module constitutes a light review of each committees’ effectiveness.
Assess the appropriate skills, effectiveness and reporting to the board of each committee with a short committee module added to the end of your board survey.
This Committee Survey Module includes four survey statements concerning appropriate skills, effectiveness, chair leadership and reporting for each committee. Two open-ended questions covering each committees’ main areas of value add, and any suggestions for improvement are included.
The Committee Module is designed to be completed by all directors and any executives who complete the board survey. You must advise us if you do not want your executives to complete this module.
A Committee Effectiveness Scorecard for each committee is sent directly to the Chair or other nominated party. Committee Scorecards are usually provided to the board, distributed, and discussed with each Committee Chair.
We will analyse the ratings and comments included in the benchmarked report. We will then prepare an executive summary of two or three pages that provide our insights and recommendations.
In preparing our executive summary, we will draw on our experience reviewing over 500 benchmarked board survey reports. We will design three or four recommendations that, if implemented well, will make the most positive difference to the board’s performance and effectiveness.
Many boards like the extra insights and context provided by us carrying out limited interviews before preparing our executive summary. We conduct four 30-minute interviews by video – generally with the Chair, CEO and two directors you chose.
An executive summary is prepared, which includes our insights and recommendations based on the interviews and our review of the benchmarked board report. Our three or four recommendations are designed to make the most positive difference to the board’s performance and effectiveness.
If you would like extra or extended interviews, please contact us and ask for a quote.
One of our governance experts will guide the chair in interpreting and acting on the survey results, drawing from our extensive experience with over 500 benchmarked board survey reports. This consultation will be delivered via video and will last up to one hour.
Clients consistently report that our expert advice adds significant value. During the one-hour session, the chair can provide essential context and ask as many questions as needed.
The same expert who advised the Chair will then present to the board, incorporating any critical context provided by the Chair regarding the results. This presentation will be conducted via video and will last up to one hour. During the session, our expert will address all questions from board members.
If you need further advice or assistance beyond the expert guidance provided to the Chair and the board, we are here to help. Simply contact us and let us know what additional support you require.
Board Benchmarking has developed other surveys and reports to help boards achieve organisational success. These surveys are supported by expert advice on how to interpret and act on the results by our Global Board Advisory Partners.
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