Elevating your board governance to new heights.
One of our two Director Effectiveness Surveys, with an accompanying report for each director, will often be sufficient to help a Chair steer meaningful and measurable change. This survey-only approach is often used in conjunction with completing a board review.
Many chairs, however, will benefit from receiving advice in interpreting and acting on their own report and on how to debrief the reports for other directors. Some Chairs and/or Company Secretaries will also want to customise their director survey to focus on certain important attributes.
Once you have selected your Director Effectiveness Survey, select your chosen optional extras from the list on the checkout page, and it will be added to your cart.
Gaining the perspectives of your executives who know your board well and how their responses differ from those of your board members will add value.
The survey will be sent to the executives you have chosen in addition to your board members. You will typically only include executives regularly involved in your board meetings.
The anonymity of the executives’ responses will be protected by only providing extra reporting if at least three executives respond to the survey. Their average response is reported only when three executives respond to the board survey. A frequency count of executive responses will only be reported if at least four executives respond to the survey.
The executives’ comments are merged with the responses of board members to further protect the executives’ anonymity.
We will provide our complete list of 26 survey statements in our framework order for you to review. If you have chosen the Premium version of our survey, you can select up to 14 survey statements to include in your survey.
You don’t have to use the standard version we recommend. You can also ask us to adapt the wording of one or more survey items. You can even add your survey items or ask us to design one or more based on your particular attribute.
If you want that extra flexibility that comes with customisation, please order this optional extra.
One of our governance experts will advise your Chair on interpreting and acting on their own Director Effectiveness Report. Our expert will draw on our experience of having debriefed hundreds of Director Effectiveness Reports. The advice will be provided via video and will take up to one hour.
Chairs tell us that our expert advice is a significant value add. The Chair can provide meaningful context and ask as many questions as they desire during the one-hour session. They can also ask the expert to focus on any reports for directors, who will likely be more challenging to debrief.
Some Chairs prefer that we debrief each director on their report before their one-on-one session with the Chair. If you would like us to provide this service, please contact us for a quote.
Understands oversight versus management, financially literate, understand legal duties, oversights risks, understands the business, its major challenges and drivers of success.
Board Benchmarking has developed other surveys and reports to help boards achieve organisational success. These surveys are supported by expert advice on how to interpret and act on the results by our Global Board Advisory Partners.
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