Foster Effective Governance Through benchmarking and results-driven evaluation processes.
Most directors prefer to receive feedback at least annually about how they can improve their performance and effectiveness. However, most do not get the feedback they desire. Our Director Effectiveness Reports and Scorecards help directors get the visibility they want into what others believe their strengths and areas for improvement are. Our reports and scorecards show directors how their view of their performance compares with the average view of others. They also highlight their strengths relative to other board members, accompanied by comments detailing strengths and areas for improvement.
Often, one or more directors are not as happy as others about the board’s performance and effectiveness. Alternatively, one or more directors might think the board is going well, but others might have a contrary view. These opposing views represent a perfect opportunity for all directors, and ideally, the executives who often attend board meetings, to complete our world-class board survey. The resulting benchmarked report will form a valuable basis for discussion. It will identify the areas of excellence, the areas of most concern and where there is the most significant lack of alignment between directors and between directors and executives.
Individual directors will also be interested in seeing improvements in board committees’ effectiveness and the performance of the CEO and leadership team. Additionally, they seek to ensure that the board and organisation’s strategy planning, development, and execution are as effective as possible. Our surveys and expert guidance can assist in addressing these concerns effectively.
Our design-your-own approach to board reviews have been used by large and small organisations within every key industry and sector. Is it time to see how your organisation measures up against industry benchmarking?
We can advise you which survey and options will best suit your requirements and/or provide you a bespoke quote.
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