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Board Benchmarking launches a Strategy Effectiveness Survey

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Board Reviews | Board Governance | Board Benchmarking

Board Benchmarking launches a new Strategy Effectiveness Survey

Board Benchmarking believes Better Boards mean Better Organisations, so we just launched a new Strategy Effectiveness Survey.

We asked our friends, clients and contacts what they thought was the best Strategy Effectiveness Survey they had seen and they all said they had never seen one. We even asked Google and other search engines and also came up with nothing which is why we created our own.

Why is a Strategy Effectiveness Survey so important?

One of the primary roles of a board is to provide leadership and influence over the long-term direction and strategy of the organisation. Most boards and executive teams think they are pretty good at strategy but they don’t have an objective measure as to whether this is the case. Nor do they know, objectively, the areas of strategy they excel at and the areas where improvement could be achieved. And if they think they know their fellow directors and executives are likely to have a different view.

Our Strategy Effectiveness Survey helps boards, CEOs and executive teams:

  • understand what areas of strategy they excel at, what areas they are reasonable at and the areas they could most improve
  • determine the extent of the alignment between the board, CEO and executives concerning strategy and the areas where the extent of alignment most diverges
  • reach alignment around the areas of their organisation’s strategy that could be improved and develop a road map towards such improvement.

Add rigour to your Strategy and its execution

Our new Strategy Effectiveness Survey is built on a well-researched framework which is set out below.

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The survey will help you add rigour to your strategy by probing important issues such as the extent to which

  • your strategy is grounded in a compelling purpose and vision
  • your strategy is sufficiently ambitious
  • your board and CEO encourage each other’s input into your strategy
  • your strategy appropriately considers external factors that might impact it
  • key stakeholders provide appropriate input
  • the executive team is deeply committed to its execution
  • the organisation has the right capabilities in the right areas to deliver your strategy
  • you have the right metrics to track the successful execution of your strategy

Strategy Effectiveness Survey

Click here to read more about our Strategy Effectiveness Survey.

Click here to read the 10 prerequisites for a great board strategy day.

Click here to find useful strategy and planning tools from Creately.

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