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How to choose the right board survey for your organisation

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Board Benchmarking CEO Effectiveness Survey

Board Benchmarking’s board effectiveness surveys have been designed for use by all shapes and sizes of organisations in all industries where their governance and laws align with the US or British systems. This includes US, UK, Ireland, most African countries, India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many Asian and South American countries.

The survey you choose can also depend upon whether you want a deeper dive or a lite touch review.

SME/Lite Version

The SME/Lite version is our most versatile version as it can be used by:

  • SMEs as the foundation for their annual board review, whether that be their external deep dive review every two or three years or their Lite touch review in between deep dive reviews
  • Smaller public, private, government and not-for-profit organisations that don’t want to go to the time and expense of having a review that includes full interviews, document reviews and the like. They simply want a validated, world class, benchmarked survey and report, with or without the optional extras like expert advice on interpreting the results
  • Large organisations that have used the Premium version for their two or three yearly deep dive review and only want a Lite version for use in the years between deep dive reviews. They also want to benefit from having comparable figures shown in their benchmarked report.

The survey includes 18 of the 20 factors and 54 of the 82 survey items used in the Premium Board Effectiveness Survey as shown in the table below. The survey only takes around 15 minutes to complete and includes 3 open questions for written comments.

Organisations as diverse as Cricket NSW, Epilepsy Queensland, HESTA, James Milson Village, NEXTDC, Payton Capital, Rural Alive and Well and Telstra Super have completed the SME/Lite Board Effectiveness Survey. Some have used it for their main deep dive review and others have used it as their Lite review between their deep dive reviews where they use the Premium version together with interviews and other review procedures.

Premium version

The Premium version of the Board Effectiveness Survey is our most popular version because it is the most comprehensive. Larger listed, private, government and not-for-profit organisations have been doing board reviews for many years and have been searching for a world class survey and report that benchmarks their board’s effectiveness and performance against comparable organisations.

Many such organisations use the Premium version as the foundation for a deeper dive externally facilitated board review that includes interviews of directors and executives and can include reviews of Terms of Reference for the board and for committees, board and committee packs, agendas, minutes and the like.

The Premium version is also used by some organisations for stand-alone reviews without extra review procedures such as interviews of directors and executives. Many organisations use the Premium version for their two or three yearly deep dive reviews and use the Lite version for the years between.

Organisations as diverse as Aruma, Dental Health Services Victoria, Dexus, FSD Uganda, GrainCorp, Suburban Land Agency, Theta Edge Berhad in Malaysia and World Vision have completed the Premium Board Effectiveness Survey.

Our board effectiveness survey options

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