Try a FREE Board Survey and get a Benchmarked Report - Click Here

Give us a try – free trial of our Board Effectiveness Survey and benchmarked report

minute read

If you would like to trial a shortened version of our world-class, validated, benchmarked Board Effectiveness Survey which will only take you around 4 minutes click below.

Free 4-minute survey

We encourage you to think about a particular board when completing the survey to make the experience as realistic as possible. You don’t have to tell us which board you had in mind when completing the survey.

As soon as you complete the survey we will email you a weblink to your benchmarked report based on your survey responses. This would be the benchmarked report the relevant board would receive if everyone on that board responded to the survey in exactly the same way as you.

Please feel free to suggest that one or more of your fellow board members or your company secretary also try our shortened FREE Trial version before ordering one of our Board Effectiveness Surveys for your board.

Try a FREE Board Survey & Benchmarked Report​
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