Board Effectiveness Surveys

Benchmark your Board's Performance

Use our Design-your-own-review approach to choose your benchmarked board survey and the optional extras that will most suit your board.

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Free Trial
Board Survey

Try a FREE 4 minute survey and get a benchmark report

Trial version for a single user

  • Number of survey statements included: 24
  • Number of board effectiveness categories: 10
  • Number of open questions: 2
  • Number of directors & executives: 1
  • Minutes taken to complete: 4

Board Survey

For medium sized organisations and lite touch reviews of larger organisations

For a whole board

  • Number of survey statements included: 54
  • Number of board effectiveness categories: 18
  • Number of open questions: 4
  • Minimum number of directors & executives: 4
  • Minutes taken to complete: 13

Board Survey

For larger organisation deep dive and annual reviews

For a whole board

  • Number of survey statements included: 82
  • Number of board effectiveness categories: 20
  • Number of open questions: 4
  • Minimum number of directors & executives: 4
  • Minutes taken to complete: 18

Optional Extras +

Add any optional extras to your survey at the checkout
Survey sent to executives and additional reporting
  • Survey also sent to chosen executives to complete.
  • A table comparing the average director and average executive response will be included in the report if 3 or more executives complete the survey.
  • Inclusion of frequency count for executive responses if 4 or more complete the survey.
  • Ratings and comments made by executives are merged with those of directors to protect the anonymity of executives in the benchmarked report.
Director Effectiveness Module added plus scorecards - price includes all Directors
  • 3 survey items to assess the effectiveness of each director added to end of Board Survey (on teamwork, contribution and strategic direction)
  • 2 open ended questions in relation to each director added (main areas of value add and any suggestions)
  • If you choose for executives to do your Board Survey you can choose that executives be excluded from completing this Module
  • A Director Effectiveness Scorecard for each director sent directly to the Chair or other nominated party to distribute and discuss with each Director
Committee Effectiveness Module added plus scorecards - price includes all Committees
  • 3 survey items to assess the effectiveness of each committee added to end of Board Survey (on appropriate skills, effectiveness and reporting to the board)
  • 2 open ended questions in relation to each committee added (main areas of value add and any suggestions)
  • If you choose for executives to do your Board Survey you can choose that executives be excluded from completing this Module
  • A Committee Effectiveness Scorecard for each committee sent directly to the Chair or other nominated party to distribute and discuss with each Committee Chair
Preparation of an Executive Summary for the board report (no interviews)
  • Analysis of the benchmarked board report and preparation of an Executive Summary.
  • Executive Summary to include insights and 3 or 4 main recommendations prepared by an expert Board Advisory Partner
Limited interviews (4) and preparation of an Executive Summary
  • 30 minute interviews by video – normally with the Chair, CEO and two directors chosen by you
  • Executive Summary to include insights and recommendations based on the interviews and review of the board report
Expert advice to Chair (and not to the Board) for the board report
  • Analysis of the benchmarked report by an expert Board Advisory Partner and a one hour video debrief
  • Includes advice to the Chair and/or other nominated party on how to interpret and act on the report and answering any questions.
Expert advice to Chair and then to the Board for the board report
  • Same as above (Expert advice to the Chair but not the Board) Plus
  • Presentation to the board by video including how to interpret and act on the benchmarked report and answering any questions

Use our Design-your-own-review approach to choose your benchmarked board survey and the optional extras that will most suit your board.

($) AUD (Default)
  • ($) NZD
  • (£) GBP
  • (€) EUR
  • ($) USD
  • (RM) MYR
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Free Trial
Board Survey

Try a FREE 4 minute survey and get a benchmark report

Trial version for a single user

  • Number of survey items included: 24
  • Number of board effectiveness categories: 10
  • Number of open questions: 2
  • Minimum number of respondents: 1
  • Minutes taken to complete: 4

Board Survey

For smaller organisations and lite touch reviews

For a whole board

  • Number of survey items included: 34
  • Number of board effectiveness categories: 14
  • Number of open questions: 4
  • Minimum number of respondents: 3
  • Minutes taken to complete: 8

Board Survey

For small to medium organisations and lite touch reviews for larger organisations

For a whole board

  • Number of survey items included: 44
  • Number of board effectiveness categories: 16
  • Number of open questions: 4
  • Minimum number of respondents: 4
  • Minutes taken to complete: 10

Optional Extras +

Add any optional extras to your survey at the checkout
Survey sent to executives and additional reporting
  • Survey also sent to chosen executives to complete.
  • A table comparing the average director and average executive response will be included in the report if 3 or more executives complete the survey.
  • Inclusion of frequency count for executive responses if 4 or more complete the survey.
  • Ratings and comments made by executives are merged with those of directors to protect the anonymity of executives in the benchmarked report.
Director Effectiveness Module added plus scorecards - price includes all Directors
  • 3 survey items to assess the effectiveness of each director added to end of Board Survey (on teamwork, contribution and strategic direction)
  • 2 open ended questions in relation to each director added (main areas of value add and any suggestions)
  • If you choose for executives to do your Board Survey you can choose that executives be excluded from completing this Module
  • A Director Effectiveness Scorecard for each director sent directly to the Chair or other nominated party to distribute and discuss with each Director
Committee Effectiveness Module added plus scorecards - price includes all Committees
  • 3 survey items to assess the effectiveness of each committee added to end of Board Survey (on appropriate skills, effectiveness and reporting to the board)
  • 2 open ended questions in relation to each committee added (main areas of value add and any suggestions)
  • If you choose for executives to do your Board Survey you can choose that executives be excluded from completing this Module
  • A Committee Effectiveness Scorecard for each committee sent directly to the Chair or other nominated party to distribute and discuss with each Committee Chair
Preparation of an Executive Summary for the board report (no interviews)
  • Analysis of the benchmarked board report and preparation of an Executive Summary.
  • Executive Summary to include insights and 3 or 4 main recommendations prepared by an expert Board Advisory Partner
Limited interviews (4) and preparation of an Executive Summary
  • 30 minute interviews by video – normally with the Chair, CEO and two directors chosen by you
  • Executive Summary to include insights and recommendations based on the interviews and review of the board report
Expert advice to Chair (and not to the Board) for the board report
  • Analysis of the benchmarked report by an expert Board Advisory Partner and a one hour video debrief
  • Includes advice to the Chair and/or other nominated party on how to interpret and act on the report and answering any questions.
Expert advice to Chair and then to the Board for the board report
  • Same as above (Expert advice to the Chair but not the Board) Plus
  • Presentation to the board by video including how to interpret and act on the benchmarked report and answering any questions
Nick Barnett

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