Try before you buy
Board Benchmarking has had quite a few requests from directors to have a demonstration of its survey and benchmarking technology. We have found that the best way to do this is to allow those directors to nominate themselves and one or two of their colleagues to complete a short benchmarked Board Effectiveness Survey and to be provided with a corresponding benchmarked report.
This has worked so well for those that have completed the sample survey and seen the corresponding benchmarked report that we are now making a “Try before you buy” option readily available to all. This Try before you buy option allows two or three directors on the same board to complete one of Board Benchmarking’s short 5-minute board surveys and to receive a benchmarked board effectiveness report, all at no cost.
The corresponding benchmarked report shows how each of the 34 survey items and how the 14 dimensions of a board’s effectiveness would be benchmarked against other organisations if all the directors on the relevant board responded in the same way as the directors who completed the sample survey.
Those who have completed the Try before you buy option attest to the fact that the benchmarking of their survey responses is “surprisingly accurate”.
The Try before you buy option is also available for a company secretary who wants to nominate themselves and one of their colleagues to complete the survey and receive a benchmarked report.
If you would like to Try before you buy please Contact Us and provide us with your email address and the email address of one or two of your colleagues who have also agreed to complete the sample survey in relation to the same board. You don’t even have to tell us which board you are considering when you complete your sample survey. Once you and your colleagues have all completed the sample survey, we will email all of you the corresponding benchmarked Board Effectiveness Report.